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Implementing standards in our factory, including ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) for organic production and processing.

Implementing standards in our factory, including ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) for organic production and processing.
Having successfully qualified for the "ISO Standard Introduction Program for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses" organized by XacBank, and receiving a grant covering up to 80% of the cost of consulting services and certificat

We are proud to announce the successful renewal of our US and European organic product certificates for the fourth consecutive year. We have now embarked on the significant task of implementing standards in our factories, including those set by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) for organic production and processing.

Having successfully qualified for the "ISO Standard Introduction Program for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses" organized by XacBank, and receiving a grant covering up to 80% of the cost of consulting services and certification, we are proud to have a goal to become the first factory in Mongolia to introduce IFOAM standards. We have signed a cooperation agreement with SFCS LLC http://sfcs.mn/organic. We extend our sincere thanks to our partner organizations and XacBank for this excellent opportunity to achieve ISO 9001, ISO 45001, and IFOAM certification in 2024-2025.